Monday, March 15, 2010

Ohh the anticipation!!!

I actually am looking forward to tomorrow.. Tomorrow I check my measurements to see if I have made any head way in the last month. It is weird to be looking forward to measuring yourself, which is kind of like weighing yourself. The even greater thing about measuring is, is that I have no idea what the numbers mean, so it isn't like weighing myself when I know what that number means (certain panic attack to come soon after).

Another great day for me, and I am loving this nice weather. I vow that every night that it is nice out I WILL go for a walk. I did that and then even worked out some afterwards. Exercising really isn't all that bad.. Now I am not running miles, or anything even close, but I am choosing to be active which is something that I have not done before.

I have notice that as I get healthier everything around me is improving. My communication is better with my husband. I attribute that to me not hating myself so therefore not assuming that he hates me too. I am not yelling any more, and I am starting to learn how to play with gunner (I sometimes feel that I have no idea how to play with him-reading books, that is what I am good at, doing crafts, that is what I am good at). Even my house is benefiting. My house is always picked up and it isn't something that I have to do every night, my laundry is all caught up. There is nothing overwhelming and that is awesome!!! Yay for me.

I will hopefully have good news to report tomorrow about my measurements.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference

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