Tuesday, March 16, 2010

worth it all

I think that today has been the greatest day I have had for some time. I did my measurments and each area (hips, waist, chest, thigh, upper arm) was at least 1 inch SMALLER!!! Did you get that:) Each area at LEAST 1 inch smaller. A couple of them were over an inch!! And if that isnt enough, there were numbers on my scale this morning!! a month ago I was too big for it. But today there were numbers- now they may go away tomorrow, until I get well under the amount that it is designed for. The number today was 339.2!!

What this does is show me again what I am doing this for. I am so happy right now. Can you believe I am still well over 300 pounds and I can say I am happy. I am happy because there is something I can see after this work.

I am realizing as I am changing my eating and activity that I must have been eating a ridiculous amount of food. I am also learning that I must never have been hungry because I just ate non stop to avoid feeling hungry. Feeling anything actually.

There is not really much more to say than it was a great day.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.


  1. I love you man! good job.
    Are you rockin the Dirty Dancing DVD?

  2. Rock on, Lady!! That is fantastic!!!
