Friday, January 15, 2010

cheater cheater pumpkin eater

Today at lunch I ate my normal lean michilini (sorry I know I spelled that wrong) and someone I work with had gotten KFC (yummo!!). They said-I am celebrating I lost 6 pounds. My first thought was "Oh yeah, I want KFC for supper tonight-I have done so good for the last 2 weeks!"

Now onto my dilemma for today. I understand it is important to reward yourself for doing good at something because reward increases motivation to continue doing the right thing, BUT is it okay to reward yourself by allowing yourself to have something that is bad for you???

What I really want to do is go out for Chinese food tonight, and in all reality I don't like any of the breaded deep fat friend stuff, but the stuff with the veggies (chicken and broccoli, garlic chicken and mushrooms, etc) so I could convince myself that it isn't so bad (until I eat a crab rangoon-even writing it brings a smile to my face). So is that okay for me to do??? Is it okay to "reward" myself with food?? This one I need your help on??

Now if I continue with the drug addiction analogy that I have been using then it wouldn't make sense if a client said "Hey I have been good and not doing drugs, so I'm going to reward myself by snorting a line of coke!" I would nail them for such terrible thinking, but here I want to do the same thing. Or am I???

Since food is something I require maybe it is something that yes I can treat myself to something that isn't that good for me, as long as I don't go over board and eat myself sick like I would normally do?? Is that okay?? Or is it okay since my motive isn't to avoid something??? Am I making this too difficult??? Am I taking this all to literally??? HELP ME!!!

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.

Taking the weekend off from blogging-will check in on Monday!!

1 comment:

  1. Here is my thought.
    It is fine to occasionally eat things that are not "good" for you. For example, if you are a huge fan of Snickers Candy Bars, then if you eat accordingly for the day, it is not a bad thing to indulge in a Snickers. If you deprive yourself of the things you like, you will not be successful in your weight loss. This is a lifestyle change, not a diet. In life, you will eat things that are not carrots, celery and lean turkey! As long as you eat the "bad" things in moderation you are not doing anything wrong.
    However, I do not think you should reward yourself with food. Food is for sustenance, not for reward or pleasure. Like you have been saying here all along. I like pedicures. So, each 10 pounds could entitle you to a pedicure. Or, it could be a massage, or a long hot bath (uninterrupted), or that new food scale you wanted. I think if you eat Chinese or KFC that is fine, just don't go crazy on it, eat sensibly. I heard someone say once "It is about having more good days than bad days". And that just made sense to me.
